Sunday, March 9, 2008

Desert in Bloom

For the most part, when someone says "desert", I think know, sand and scorched plants. But there is great variety in all the plants in the state as well as climate. It depends on the elevation. In the Spring, if we are really lucky, nature makes up for what we don't have in the summer months as far as blooming flowers. IF and only if the rain and temp. conditions are right during the late fall and winter months, March brings a sea of wildflowers that stretch as far as you can see. It is so wonderful to be driving down the road and see yellow flowers covering a entire hillside. There are purple, blue, orange and white ones too.

This year conditions were right and we are just starting to see the results. Give it a couple of weeks and there will be more. The last time I remember seeing them this full was about six years ago when Julia was a baby.

So, camera in hand, my great white hunter and I headed out so I could share the beauty with you all. If you are snowed in, iced in or have a major case of winter cabin fever, just remember the brown thing. In August, there are NO wildflowers and every thing is parched. We are all suffering from major cabin fever because it is too darn hot to go out. Now you don't have to shovel heat and it doesn't make it harder to get around and that is the only plus!

Enjoy, soon our cactus will all be blooming and I will bring you another installment of our desert in bloom.


Belvie said...

What pretty flowers! I've always heard when the desert blooms it is lovely. Your pictures are such a welcome hint that spring might really be on the way.

Oh...and you got favorites!!

Amelia said...

Those are out of this world!

When the heat hits those high temps...yes you have to stay inside...just like when it gets to zero in other places of the world you must stay put.

Give us more pictures as they become available.

side note: I have tried all day to load pictures and blogger won't let me.

Hazel said...

Beautiful ,sure beats snow .

Finn said...

Hi Norma, your desert pictures are just gorgeous! I do love the burst of bloom that a rain storm brings to the's all quite amazing.
And what a glorious cheddar that middle picture is...wish I had that in fabric! Hugs, Finn

QuiltingFitzy said...

Yup! Camping weekend after next!

Can't wait.

Katie said...

Oh, just wonderful. I'm looking again and again. Mother nature does provide such beauty!

Granny Lyn said...

Oh, oh, oh! Your blossoms are a sight for my sore (and snowed in) eyes! the Yellows and purples are absolutely glorious. (sigh) My spring is just around the corner.
thanks for sharing the beauty
(and for visiting my lil ol' blog)