Today we stopped by a corn field and bought four dozen ears of fresh picked corn on the cob. It is so good and sweet, tastes just like candy.
Hopefully I can get this corn frozen and on to some quilting soon.
Grand daughter who gobbled her corn on the cob like it was a ice cream cone and then, asked for more.
Hubby who likes to eat as much as I do
The few fields of corn and potatoes plus citrus and peach orchards that are left in our area. The are fast losing out to housing developments, apartment houses and strip malls not to mention WAL-MART stores
My middle daughter l-o-v-e-s corn on the cob. She is a college student and has figured out how to cook it in a ziploc, lol. She could live on corn and hard boiled eggs!
YUMMMM! Was that QC that you went to for them?
It all looks delicious! I especially like corn with butter and lemon juice.
mmmmmmmm....yum!! I can't wait for big large fresh tomatoes, to make mayo tomato sandwiches!!mmmmm
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