I made this top about a year ago with no one in mind to give it to. I just fell head over heels in love with the bears and HAD to do them. So I stuck it back until a few months ago when my next door neighbor told me she was expecting in July. Great, I would finish the bears for our gift. Dug it out, sandwiched it and basted HALF of it. Then, don't know what happened but I moved on to something else as is my pattern, forgetting the bears and Sandy's July due date.
Yesterday she was out front when I was leaving and I got a side view.............and I think that little one is almost ready for the bear quilt! So, got to get my act together and get busy here!
This is from a book I bought at Half Priced books called "Playful Patchwork Projects" by Kari Pearson and Friends. It has the greatest bug quilt that I plan to do someday soon.............yeah, if I live long enough!
Things I would do different...................NOT put the red checks as borders! My strips were straight, my sewing is straight but the print on the fabric was NOT STRAIGHT. Of course, I didn't really notice this until I was basting the thing. So I am discovering that each and every project has a lesson in it and that is how we grow and learn as quilters, I guess. I don't think the baby with notice and Mom is going to be so busy with number three, I don't think she will either??? (hopefully, no one in the family is a master quilter!)
The quilt is adorable. Love the bears, as well. I know what you mean about directional fabrics, especially checks. I always make that mistake, but I for some reason keep using them. LOL. I think I like the check look.
This is one cute quilt Norma! I hadn't noticed the checks till you mentioned it. I've got a rainfence quilt with checks that wander like that! It adds to the charm. People tend to see the whole quilt, not the mistakes, so I got told at our Quilting Group meetings whenever I pointed out where i'd gone wrong! The Mom2be will LOVE it!
Last post should have read 'railfence quilt' D'uh!
TOOO CUTE!! She and the baby will love it! You can do it!!
Norma, the teddies are TERRIFIC! Yeah, NOW is a great time to finish it, lol.
Your teddy quilt is just adorable. Don't stress over the checks, the baby will love it just the way it is.
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